you’re like really really anxious and really stressed about that or you’re starting a new job and you’re really anxious and stressed about that I think better help would work for those more short-term things but they are marketing it to people specifically especially in youtubers to people who have long-term mental health issues to people with anxiety to people with depression to people with all different types of mental illness they are marketing it to these people as a long-term solution and that’s not what it is it’s not you can’t get that type of benefit from online therapy yet we have not created a system yet that has allowed that to work I won’t talk about real therapy a lot of people crap on real therapy and I get it like we’re going to talk about that in a second so the pros to real therapy for me you get a diagnosis which is a blessing and a curse like we’ll talk about that is like it it is person to person so you have that person-to-person contact you’re getting yourself out of the situation you’re talking to that person you have access to medications if needed most
therapists even if they can’t prescribe you medication they know somebody who knows somebody who can prescribe you medication or they just know somebody they have connections in the industry to be able to provide you with those types of services not only medication but just like all types of services if financial like you’re financially not doing well they can provide you the services to go to your city and get the help that you need they can provide you with those things that’s not something if you live in Houston Texas and your therapist lives in Vermont your therapist probably doesn’t know connections around you to be able to accurately help you and give you someone that they can action that can like prescribe you those things give you those things does that make sense like you’re opening yourself up to a lot of other resources not just the therapist therapists also do like behavioral plans very in-depth they go to school for a lot of years and we’re gonna talk about the issues of better help and it’s like with like fake people and the best thing about real therapy is if your real therapist cancels on you you don’t pay for that session we’re gonna get into the whole their topic now the kinds of therapy are basically the pros with better health it’s like the cons are like you have to drive there and it’s expensive like that’s basically the pros a better health you know what I mean I want to talk about the money issues have better help really quick this video is already so much longer than I want it to be and I’m so sorry but like I feel so passionately about this I’ve already briefly touched on this but the biggest issue with better help is that money-wise is that they claim that you’re saving money which in a way you are technically maybe if they provide the services they claim they’re going to which a lot of times they don’t you fill out this little thing and it takes you to you fill out this like form and this is a whole other issue do you fill out the form that like it’s like the little survey to talk about and I applaud them for doing this and also hate them for doing this
where if you fill out the form and they determine that you are too mentally ill to continue on with what they can offer you they give you different services which is great because at least they’re being honest about what they can help with they’re not accepting people who maybe suffer from some that would really require a person to person more intensive care they’re you know they’re they’re saying we can’t help you but at the same time if you’re suicidal and you are asking for help because Shane Dawson told you this place was gonna help you and you get a letter saying sorry you’re too mentally ill for us to help you again it’s people’s lives that can really push somebody over the edge what is the solution to that problem I don’t know I don’t know the proper way to handle that because they’re doing a good thing and a bad thing at the same time but that is something to point out the problem of the money is they take you through the survey survey if you pass the survey and they deem you not mentally ill enough to pass the survey you get you go in and they give you the payment options and one of the most popular payment options I believe is like $68 a week for a month and they they it’s weird cuz they do and they don’t make it clear you think that the way that they put it on the site is a little bit misleading and that’s what a lot of the Better Business Bureau cases are about where you can sign up for a free trial of seven days but when you sign up for that free trial they still take out the two hundred and sixty dollars from the four weeks of service that you’re paying for so if you complete the week trial and you d like those have actually been lifted i resembled wow fine this makes so much sense and i spent the following week actually reflective and thinking of what my therapist told me how i would use that to my life what that Suggests for me yeah and after that luckily my therapist has constantly been on time there disappears issues with the time difference i had a great deal of sessions where i truly came out sensation truly good feeling actually efficient and my therapist also had a few concerns for me that i got to consider throughout the week which i personally really liked I’m more a reflective person and she asked me some really difficult questions that are actually important though even though i have actually only been to therapy like one and a half months i truly feel like it’s really assisted me i did have some sessions though where felt. Betterhelp Tvcd Australia